Campaign For The Inquiry Project

At starting of the inquiry project, I was not sure what my topic is going to be, but the minute I had an idea of doing stress and stress relief, I automatically knew what my campaign is going to because I remember doing almost the same thing back in the day, when I had to make stress balls for the class, so think about the made it so easy for because I was doing my inquiry project on stress already. so, all I had to do is make stress ball for the people in my neighbor hood, a least people who believe stress balls work or help. 

who, what, where, when, how

I realize planning the Campaign is not going to be easy, am going to get my sister to help me make the stress, we are to do it in our front just because so kids and so many pass by my house everyday. I haven't made the stress balls yet, so am thinking that it would be better if we do the campaign on a nice day like June,7, just because I don't work on that day, so I have to be time efficient with this Campaign, but before we can do all  that we need to buy everything we need like balloons, glue, maybe flour if we don't have it in the house, coming to look at it, it's not too expensive to do to the campaign, but I still charging 25 cents for each stress ball, just because I have a uncle that work with salvation army and he says that right now there struggling with expenses and anything would help. so, if I willing to help even just a little bit, it would be great.  Doing this campaign I want to bring awareness on stress and just because you have stress, it doesn't mean you cant stop it and I know stress balls are not always the problem solver, but it a to reduce some stress. the only way this campaign fulfill your awareness goal is if everyone leave my campaign table with a better understanding of stress. honestly my main target for this campaign mainly people 13 and up, because I believe in your teen years that when you have so much stress on, and also has an adult too. I don't want my campaign to be just people buying stress balls I want them to actually get something out of it or get a better knowledge of stress.



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