Important Information want people to know from my Blogger

Title: Common Causes of Stress & Their Effect on Your Health and tried to look for responsible for it.

All I know is that it was published by WebMD which is an American corporation known primarily as an online publisher of news and information pertaining to human health and well-being. I really the information on this site is valid because the information on this sites is the same on numerous other website, but that doesn't mean the information is valid, it just trustworthy if its coming from other different sources. I searched on google it said WebMD has been named the "most popular source of health information in the US, and is likely to ​dominate your Google search results for almost any medical question you have."

three pieces of information that are relevant to my campaign are:

 1.Everyone has different stress triggers.

this information plays apart in my in my campaign goal because i want people who are actually playing part in my campaign to know that everyone does have different stress trigger and just because your stress it doesn't mean a stress ball with cure it.

2.Any major life change can be stressful

this is one of the most important information that is relevant to my because the people that I'm tragetting for my campaign are teen, and at this point of life teen go through major life changes.

3.Your stress level will differ based on your personality and how you respond to situations.

Title: When Stress Is Actually Good for You

This was published by Verywell mind, but the author/writer of the article by Elizabeth Scott is a " wellness coach specializing stress management and quality of life issues and a diplomat of the American Institute of stress, this site is really valid because it seems to come from who knows what there talking.

three pieces of information that are relevant to my campaign are:

1.We all deal with stress at some point in our lives.

this is relevant to my campaign because doing my campaign I want people to get the information, from my campaign.

2.there is Good Stress

this was one of the mean reasons I actually want to start the campaign to show 

people the positive side of stress because people only think of the stress that destroy lives, this is all relevant because there is going to a information paper for people to take home, like I said before so people actually get something out of it instead just stress balls. 

3.there is Bad Stress

We obviously know there bad stress, and not going to say bad stress is not going for that why it relevant to my campaign no, its honestly because the point of my campaign is for people to understand stress more so they is only  relevant because it going to on the information paper.

Title: Why stress happens and how to manage it

This article was published MedicalNewsToday, but it was written by Christian Nordqvist he's actually the owner of MedicalNewToday, but everything thing he puts out on the internet is review by real professionals, and that's one of the reasons I think his article are legit and he has also wrote hundreds of articles on stress and mental health.

three pieces of information that are relevant to my campaign are:

1.Stress helps the body prepare to face danger.

Good stress prepare you to face danger, this is one information I want people to understand because now they can know why sometime a little stress doesn't heart you, like I said before all this is going to be on my information paper that's it relevant to my campaign 

2.The symptoms can be both physical and psychological.

Since my main target for are teen believe they need to know the symptoms of stress, this information is relevant because the stress ball is suppose to at least prevent the symptoms 

3.We can prepare for stress by learning some self-management tips.

This information is relevant to campaign because it one of the big reason I chose this campaign, to teach people to self management tips for stress

Title: Improving Your Ability to Handle Stress

This article was published by Help Guide, but has so many author but Jeanne Segal, Melinda Smith, Robert Segal, and Lawrence Robinson. Jeanne Segal held a Master’s degree in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Sociology, with a specialty in Holistic Health, but everyone else all know about them is that they have a Ph.D. medical care and that there all authors. the only reason I think this article or website is legit it because of Jeanne Segal we talk about a lot in psychology and how her book are really important if you want to know more about stress.

three pieces of information that are relevant to my campaign are:

1.The most dangerous thing about stress is how easily it can creep up on you.

The is one of the thing want because to talk away from my information paper at the campaign that stress creeps up at any time, and anywhere, that way it relevant to my campaign cause it being on the info paper.

2.You don’t notice how much it’s affecting you, even as it takes a heavy toll.

this is again one of this piece of information that is going to be on the info paper at the campaign that why it relevant. 

3.The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you

Again relevant it going to be on my info paper at the campaign

Title:  Stress

This article was published by Cleveland Clinic, but it doesn't really tell us who the author, but am going to assume that this was published by Cleveland Clinic, but with that being said I think this website is valid is because it have again the same information other numerous website have.

three pieces of information that are relevant to my campaign are:

1.Stress that continues without relief can lead to a condition called distress – a negative stress reaction.

2.Chronic stress can wear down the body's natural defenses

3.People can learn to manage stress and lead happier, healthier lives.

I'm not going to do why it relevant to my goal for these last three because  this answer is going to be " Information Paper" but every piece of information that is on the page is going on the information paper on my campaign because i believe putting all this at the campaign will make me reach my goal of giving people a little more knowledge about stress than they knew before. My goal for my campaign is that everyone who shows up to my campaign leave with some new knowledge, and this information will help me do that, that why all the is relevant to my campaign goal


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