Pre-asses of my Campaign


  Honestly, I think what I chose for my goal is attainable, my goal for this campaign is for people to know a little more about stress, so if they are stressed they can know what to do to prevent it, or maybe stop it.

My Goal

   again my for this campaign is not only to sell stress balls for salvation army, the most important goal for the campaign is for people who come can leave with a little  more knowledge about stress, so they can kind of have the tool to a least prevent it, At the same time I don't wanna put the stress ball selling to the back of the room, because one of my goals is to sell all the stress balls to help salvation army cause they need all the help they can get.

This goal is attainable and realistic because I believe that this topic will catch people' s attention because everyone goes throw stress so I pretty sure it attainable and the area I live in there a lot of people the come out so it easy for people to find out about my campaign because I already made posters too.


Be honest I don't know how many people this take action will reach, but if I even reach 10 people I'll be so happy in the result, so I going to estimate a least 10 people, maybe more it depends on the day.\

the best thing that would happen is if this takes action influences another person, so there a chance this can go beyond my designated area, but only if influence a student, maybe even a parent.


I don't if this project can be joined with a community center, but actually, there might be a chance I join with my community center that I volunteer at, on my days off, I just have to talk to my boss at the community center 


I  think the only way this can continue on is if someone else takes over for me, so it not likely, only because I don't their people around me that care so much about stress like me, they don't care about the dangers of stress.

The Chosen Solution

I think two key aspects of my campaign that are my strength are, the if my goal is realistic and attainable and can my project continue on (as in replicated in the future). i think there are my strength because they're more likely to be achieved.

the most challenging key aspect from my campaign will be the if my goal is realistic and attainable and can my project continue on (as in replicated in the future). I know i picked has my strength because it's more likely to happen, but it also likely to fail, because they're kind of out a lot of pressure on my to be successful at my campaign and that might get to my head. It just I'm not confident in my campaign continuing on, and obviously, I'm always scared of not reaching my goal. Nothing to do with my campaign needs to be better, actually there always room for improvement, but it's mainly on the mental sides of things for me, I need to just be more confident in what I can actually do with my campaign that can change my community.

Create and Implement your Solution as an Action Plan

my take action( awareness campaign) is relief if stress and getting people to learn how to deal with stress, and to let them know the stress ball are not the only solution which is Ironic because I'm selling them at my campaign, the only reason I selling them is because I willing to help people who are unable to take care of themselves, that why I'm giving each cent to salvation army.


1. Buy the equipment needed because I can't make any stress ball with not balloons so I need to buy balloons in the same process I going to buy candy that is going to be on the table at my campaign 

2. print out paper for the information and the poster this part is important because it plays part in the people that come to my campaign and weather if I'm going to be successful, but anyway I have to go to Staples to print out the poster but I'm going to hand make some of them, but for the information sheet I'm going to make them at school 

3. Find a great space for my campaign, I was thinking I do it in my front yard but the plan might change if my community center partners with me on this to do the campaign, if I do it in my front yard it more visible for people to see, but more people show to the community center 

4. the last thing is to do the campaign, to me, the most important part of the whole project is the campaign, to do the campaign I'll need help from my sisters to actually run the campaign, so I'm going to ask them and if they say no, I will bate them with candy or something, and they going to be the one to help me with the posters and making the stress balls. Has you can see I'm heavily depending on my sister to help me with this or it going to be so hard for me.

The Chosen Solution

1. Buying the equipment is a very important part of starting the campaign because without the equipment campaign can't happen, this part seems to be the easiest part for because I don't really need to do anything hard expect to buy the stuff we need so my wallet is going to be crying after, I really wanted this session to be the least stressful for me that's my goal for this.

2. print out the paper for the information and the poster. Starting this planning for this campaign I was not planning to spend any money but now I went in a different route because in total I'm spending 40 dollars on this campaign, but anyways this part is going to be one of the parts where I will struggle a little bit, but it's I think it attainable only if we are time efficient, this part is important because printing out this paper I will make me reach my goal of everyone leaving my campaign with a better understanding of stress.

3. Find a great space for my campaign, finding great space might be underrated but it's a very important thing for, but it also easy to be attainable with the right mindset of picking a great spot to achieve and finish the campaign, the only thing that seems not to be attainable is partnering with the community center. this is very important to pick a great space to actually do you work without feeling too hot outside. 

4. the last thing is to do the campaign. the only way the campaign can be a success is if everything works into a plan like I planned it, I believe this is going to be the most stress full part for me and it's the least likely to be attainable, if this is not successful than my goal is not going to reach so this is very important to me because I want kids going into the exam to actually have a good way to cope with the stress exams bring to them, and it's the most impacted by the other thing and also affected my weather too because I'm doing it outside.


Like I said before buying the stuff we need for the campaign is the easiest that why it already has been done, I actually bought my stuff on June 3rd. and the only reason I started to buy the stuff it's because at first, I planned to do my campaign on June 7th. To be honest, almost everything was finished by June 5th, but my plans were delayed. I bought every by June 5th so I can have a day to actually set up and organize the things, but like I said before my work got very delayed due to my lack of work, but on the pass side it was a blessing in some way because it really opened my eyes to the things I was missing,  like the posters that are now set up we begin setting them up on June 9th the only reason we did it this late and why we picked this date we want people to notice the poster before we do the actually take action campaign. like I said before my original plan of doing the campaign on June 7th really didn't work, and I haven't really planned for my campaign because of the exams that are coming up at school, but I was thinking I do it on June 14th just because I don't work on that day and I can only just send a few hours on it than I'll study for my exam next week. Every thing is going into the plan it's just time is not by my side, so these next few days I have to be time efficient with everything.


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